International Relations and European Law

Name: International Relations and European Law
Code: ECN13107L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Legal-Political Theory and International Relations

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English, French
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The aim its to provide students with the essential understanding of the functioning of the international system and
the European Union. Students will learn to understand the global political and institutional phenomena as well as
the assumptions surrounding the action of the main existing actors internationally.


1. Formation of international society since the modern era. The European States System. The transition to the
State System "civilized". The brand of Eurocentrism. The World State System. The end of the bipolar system.
Characteristic features of the current international situation.
2. Structure of the international system. International society or the international community? The State as the
main actor, but not the only, the international system. The powers and his directorial vocation. The principle of
effectiveness. International organizations. The transnational forces.
3. Teoria das relações internacionais. As grandes tradições do pensamento. Três paradigmas: realismo,
transnacionalismo e estruturalismo.
4. European law. The historicaljcultural context. The creation of the European Union. Organisation of the European
Union. The problem of the European Constitution and the future of Europe.
5. The major challenges of the global international society.

Teaching Methods

Theoreticale Exposition of the subjects and possibility of debates around the topics taught.