Anthropology of Tourism

Name: Anthropology of Tourism
Code: SOC13849L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Sociology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial



Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- To locate Tourism phenomenon within the analysis of Anthropology;
- To provide frameworks of reference and instruments (teorethical and conceptual) of anthropological approach to tourism;
- To promote the understanding and a critical analysis of the cultural dimensions of tourism.


1. Basic Questions in Anthropology: epistemological aspects and introductory concepts; 2. The Object of Anthropology: culture and its forms. 3. The Anthropological Method 4. Fron Anthropology of Tourism to Anthropology of Tourism Spaces: An object under construction. Deconstructing analytic categories ?tourist? and ?Hosts?; 5. Tourism, Heritage, identity and culture; 6. Tourism and its cultural impacts: ase-Studies; 7. The Anthropology of Tourism in Portugal: themes and questions.

Teaching Methods

Besides collective sessions, held in the classroom, students develop independent work, individually and in groups. Teaching methods are centered active learning procedures, critical readings and debates. Given the theoretical and empirical specificity of the themes abridged in this curricular unit, the pedagogical project of the course is structured as a process of continuous evaluation. Evaluation moments as, as follows: two individual written assignments (20%), and one group research work (80%), with work in progress short presentations in throughout the semester.
There is also an alternative method of evaluation, consisting of a final written exam.

Teaching Staff