Inorganic Biochemistry

Name: Inorganic Biochemistry
Code: QUI13565L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Biochemistry

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This curricular unit aims to introduce biochemical aspects of the elements in living systems. It is intended to give an overview of selected metals and nonmetals relevant in biological systems, the basic concepts of inorganic chemistry applied to these systems and to describe relevant specific classes of metal ion containing biological systems. The curricular unit will allow the acquisition of the following competences: a) to know the occurrence of elements in biological systems and their characteristics; b) recognize and distinguish between essential and toxic elements; c) know the type of interaction that the elements establish with biological systems; d) know the basic structure-function relationships in vivo; e) recognize the importance and consequences of elements in the field of medicine.


Introduction to Inorganic Biochemistry: scope and importance. Fundamentals of chemistry applied to biological systems: the importance of water; general considerations on chemical equilibrium, metal ion coordination chemistry in biological systems, oxidation states, redox chemistry and precipitation; thermodynamic stability, kinetics and reaction mechanisms in biological media. Biochemistry of the elements. The reasons for the choice of chemical elements by living organisms. Essential and toxic elements, characteristics and occurrence in biological systems. Overview of the role of elements in biological systems. The elements with and without redox activity, chemical environment, structure and function. Integration and interaction of chemical elements in living organisms. Metalo-biomolecules and biomineralization. Brief reference to the elements in medicine: diseases, therapeutic applications and diagnosis.

Teaching Methods

Teaching is based on theoretical (T) and theoretical-practical (TP) classes. In theoretical classes the concepts about the contents of the curricular unit are presented following mainly an expositive methodology, but with many moments of discussion and interactivity. Theoretical-practical classes aim to approach issues and concepts from a practical perspective, the application of acquired knowledge, the development and consolidation of competences, through the analysis, debate and resolution of challenging questions. Students are further encouraged to integrate and apply knowledge through information gathering, analysis and discussion of a selected theme within the program. The continued evaluation is carried out by the accomplishment of an assignment and writing tests (weight of 80% in the evaluation) and the analysis and discussion of a selected subject (20%). In the final evaluation regime, the student accomplishes a single evaluation exam (weight of 100% in the evaluation).

Teaching Staff