Introduction to Social Sciences

Name: Introduction to Social Sciences
Code: SOC02320L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Sociology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. Sensitize for the requirements and characteristics of scientific thought in general and in social sciences, in particular, placing them in the historical and civilizational context.
2. Developing the ability to recognize the potential of social sciences in the understanding of historical and social contexts and the analysis of complex social situations.
3. Knowing the process of constitution of the social sciences, their concepts, theories and methods
4. Introduce students in theoretical and methodological aspects that ensure and underlie the search for scientific in social sciences and the relation to a future professional practice.
5. Present the contributions of social sciences for understanding some social problems faced by contemporary society.


I: The problem of knowledge and social sciences
1. Preliminary questions of Social sciences
2. The meaning of social: social facts and objectivity in social sciences
3. Classification of social sciences and interdisciplinarity: borders, complementarities and interceptions
II. Basic concepts of social analysis
4. The identification of the social: analysis, understanding and explanation
5. Social relations: solidarity and sociability
6. The individual and collective: social interaction and group phenomena
7. Other methodological considerations about observation and social facts analysis
III: Contemporary problems of social sciences
8. Dilemmas, problems and trends
9. Exemplifications of the applicability of the social sciences

Teaching Methods

Teaching / learning:
• Oral presentation of theoretical syllabus, illustrated with empirical examples.
• Reading texts and individual and group studies.
• Tutorial guiding and e-learning’s methodologies (http://www.moodle.uevora.pt).
• Reading recommendations: in accordance with each topic of the syllabus and the curricular unit objectives; The reading documents are available in the library or online, accessible through the e-learning application [moodle] of the university (https://www.moodle.uevora.pt/).
• Evaluation:
a. Continuous evaluation: 2 written test or 1 written test and a short-paper (each assessment moment count 50% of the final mark).
b. Final assessment: a written test (100%).

Teaching Staff