Planning of Touristic Resources

Name: Planning of Touristic Resources
Code: PAO02388L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Environment and Ecology Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Characterization and interpretation of the rural landscape, components and functions it supports, from the perspective of its use for tourism and leisure. Understanding of the several types recreation in the rural areas, and of its impacts and possible role in the transition of the rural space. Getting to know the sectoral instruments and spatial planning.


Landscape concept, pattern and components. The rural landscape dynamics and present characteristics.Multifunctionality of the rural landscape. Relation of recaretion and toruims with other rural activites. Planning. Regulative instruments. Proposal of the development project for rural sustainable tourism.

Teaching Methods

Reading and analysis of texts. Practical work, in groups, with research and organization of the information, and a empirical part, applied to a local case study in Alentejo. Oral and written presentations. Discussion among students and teacher. The evaluation is based on the practical exercises and one written test, individual.