Regional Economics

Name: Regional Economics
Code: ECN02307L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Economy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The unit of Regional Economics aims to contribute to the understanding of the importance and role of the territory in the economy and in economic analysis . Well as provide a theoretical and analytical framework for planning and management of regional and local territories . This course aims to ensure the following core competencies : i ) A solid understanding of the spatial dimension of the functioning of economic activity and its implications on the performance of the economy of the territories; ii ) The domain of the theoretical and practical applications of methodologies and more relevant economic theory with regard to the regional and urban economics; iii ) The knowledge of the main instruments and figures for spatial planning and territorial in Portugal iv ) The domain of the methodologies and procedures for diagnosis of specific territorial realities and problems ; vi) The diagnosis capacity about local and regional territories.


1.The variable space in economic analysis. The space and its scales. The space and its indicators analysis and planning. Region concept. The territory and its agents. The territory and its organization and hierarchy. The territory and its infrastructure and equipment. Political and administrative territorial structure. Factors dynamic economic territories. The assessment of potential territorial and sectoral.
2. The regional economic theory. The precursors. The economic base of export theory. The growth poles theory. Models of regional growth. Theories of endogenous and exogenous regional development. The new approaches and perspectives.
3. The spatial analysis methods and techniques.
4. The Portuguese system for regional policy and territorial planning. Regional planning in Portugal. The financial programming period 2014-2020.
5. The EU Cohesion Policy 2021-2027.

Teaching Methods

The teaching model and the evaluation system of this curriculum unit are defined in order to ensure a solid connection between its theoretical and applied / practical components. In addition to the classes , which are theoretical and practical, a practical work should be developed by students within the regime of continuous assessment. In this practical work students should apply to a specific local or regional territory, a social, economic and infrastructural diagnosis and characterization.The evaluation scheme of this unit is as follows : a) Continuous evaluation comprises a group essay (50% of final mark) and one written test (50% of final mark). Considering art 110, paragraph 8, of the RAUE, students with a positive final average and who have a minimum grade of 7 values in each of the assessment elements will be approved.
b) Regime of examination: A written test ( examination ) with a weight of 100 % on the final grade of the unit.


Continuous Assessment: A written test weighing 45%; practical work, carried out in groups with a weight of 45% and an individual reading sheet with a weight of 10%.
Students who simultaneously obtained:

- Weighted average equal to or greater than 10 values ​​in all the required assessment elements;
- Score equal to or greater than 7 points in each of the assessment elements carried out.
- A final weighted average equal to or greater than 10 points, in all the required assessment elements, together with a classification lower than 7 points in one of the assessment tests, implies the completion of an oral exam.
- Missing one of the continuous assessment tests presupposes that students opt for the exam assessment system.
- Attendance at a minimum of 75% of teaching sessions of a collective nature (except in the case of student workers).

Examination Scheme: A written test (Exam) with a weight of 100%.

Teaching Staff