Music Analysis IV

Name: Music Analysis IV
Code: MUS13004L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Music

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

– Understand the use of texture, timbre and dynamic as musical functions;
– Develop skills in score-reading;
– Acquire an understanding of the relationship between theory and practice in music;
– Stimulate interest in the ability to work independently;
– Reflect critically upon their own practice;
– Present their ideas clearly and communicate them effectively.


– Qualitative and quantitative features of textures
– Types of musical textures
Melody and accompaniment
Secondary melody
Contrapuntal textures
Complex textures
– Textural variation as structural factors

Teaching Methods

This curricular unit is taught in a group class.
In addition to the teacher presentations, research, debate and analytical study should be encouraged.

Evaluation (AV):

Students can choose between:

- Continuous assessment:
• two tests (F).
• analysis paper (TA);
AV = (F1x0,3) + (TAx0,3) + (F2x0,4)

Minimum classroom sessions: 75% (except student workers).

- Final exam:
• Written examination of two hours’ duration (E)
AV = (E x 1,0)


Evaluation (AV):

Students can choose between:

- Continuous assessment:

• Attendance (A)
• Two tests (F).
• Analysis paper/oral presentation (TA);

AV = (A x 0,15) + (F1 x 0,3) + (F2 x 0,3) + (TA x 0,25)

Minimum classroom sessions: 75% (except student workers).

Student workers:

(F1 x 0,35) + (F2 x 0,35) + (TA x 0,30)

- Final Exam (E)

AV = (E x 1,0)

Teaching Staff