Advanced Topics in Marketing Research

Name: Advanced Topics in Marketing Research
Code: GES12670D
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Management

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Provide PhD students about theoretical, methodological and empirical advanced marketing topics;
Capability of Analysis and Marketing research;
Ability to actively participate in scientific Marketing progress.


Module 1- Green Marketing
Module 2 – Neuromarketing
Module 3- Social Networking Marketing
Module 4 – Social Marketing
Module 5- Marketing on-line e Mobile Marketing
Module 6 – Experiential Marketing

Teaching Methods

The teaching sessions are theoretical-practices, combine the deepening of theoretical knowledge, methodological and empirical research and its application to concrete cases. The sessions include cases discussion, elaboration and analysis of marketing ideas and strategies and, individual works and papers presentation.

The evaluation is based on the results of two practical individual (20%), a summary of a scientific article or a book chapter (20%) and a final exam (60%). The minimum grade on the exam is 7.5.