Topics in Organizational Behaviour

Name: Topics in Organizational Behaviour
Code: GES12562D
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Management

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. To study in depth the fundamental variables of Organizational Behavior.
2. Emphasize a behavioral/humanistic perspective, because we believe it is the most effective to achieve a sustainable success of the organization.
3. To promote the capacity to do research and to be able to perform a critical analysis with respect to the relationship of the various organization aspects.

1. To provide the students with a behavioral/humanistic perspective directed to the objectives of the business/activity.
2. To promote the critical spirit and citizenship.
3. Develop the oral and written communication skills.
4. Incentive the capacity to work in teams.
5. To promote the research capacity of the students in understanding the behavioral phenomena and in the creation of appropriate reading grids.


Module 1 - Trends in Organizational Behavior models - Confluence of Perspectives and Models
Module 2 - Structure, Culture and Organizational Leadership - Relationships, Interactions and Contradictions
Module 3 - Social and Organizational Impacts of Technology - From Taylorism to Modern Post-Taylorism
Module 4 - Innovation, Creativity and Organizational Change - The Responsibility to Reinvent Organizations

Teaching Methods

The process of teaching / learning is totally student-centered. Each student has a high degree of freedom in the choice of topics to investigate in depth. It is intended that the student do a search on the effect of studying the variables of OB that are more aligned with the scientific areas which will focus on your thesis project. Teaching staff are provided by a set of bibliographic references valid for the whole program of this course, giving at the same time each student a tutorial guidance addressed to its focus / scope of research throughout the semester.
The evaluation of this course is represented solely by an individual written work. The work will be presented and discussed orally and consists of a study and comparative analysis of two scientific articles about the contents of the program, selected by the students.