Theatre Projects Area

Name: Theatre Projects Area
Code: ARC12588L
Duration: 15 weeks/312 hours
Scientific Area: Teatro

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English, French
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This U.C. may be carried out in the form of a performance or an Internship.
In the performance modality:
To promote students' autonomy (organized in small autonomous work groups, supervised by a teacher assisted by others in the areas of the Body and Techniques of the show - Light and sound, in the clear development of the artistic and technical objectives to be achieved, differentiating technical and creative aspects at the level of the staging, the creative processes of the actor, the plastic realization and, eventually, the writing of the text.
In the modality of Internship:
To promote the full integration of the students in the different tasks / tasks of assembly, production and presentation of spectacle, under the supervision of U.E. faculty and tutor of the company, in the sense of a better understanding of the demands of the professional context.
In both contexts:
Promote: creative application of the knowledge acquired throughout the course.
Develop research and teamwork skills


In case of the modality of performance of internship, they should be approached and experienced:
Selection or participation in material selection (texts, images, and other references)
Organization of material
Timing or participation in the timing of the process
Realization or Monitoring of the tests and their executive production (scenography and costumes, lighting and sound design)
Realization of physical practices and movement that provide the specificities of individual and collective creative processes

Teaching Methods

The technical and procedural bases of the construction of a show will be provided, in both modalities.
For this there will be three sessions of presentation of the evolution of the works followed by debate.
Presentation of a production dossier

Attendance, commitment and quality of participation 20%;
Seizure of contents, acquired skills and verified evolution - 20%
Research and production dossier - 20%
Originality and creativity -10%
Achievement and artistic quality - 30%
It will be up to the teachers to participate in the process of controlling the evolution of work.