Body and Movement I

Name: Body and Movement I
Code: ARC12570L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Teatro

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

a) To develop awareness of the body e movement perception; to become conscious of corporeal habits, movement patterns and body limits aiming at their overcoming; and to acquire knowledge and skills of experiential anatomy and physiology.
b) To experience different states: psychosomatic, behavioural, emotional, contextual and expressive; to develop capacities of relation and transition between the individual, duet, trio and collective practice; to develop capacities of concentration in the present moment and of the presence of the body; and to develop a sense of ethics at work in the scenic space.
c) To acquire knowledge and experiencing different approaches to the practices of the body in actors training; to develop imagination and corporeal expression.
d) To know and deepen the work of different dance, theatre and performing arts authors through archive and audiovisual documentation.


a) Embodied practices
- physical qualities: the senses and the transfer amongst the senses, relation with gravity (weight-lightness), grounding, strength, resistance, precision and dexterity.
- psychomotor factors: reflexes and movement patterns; balance, coordination, tonicity, laterality, orientation of the body in space and perception of time.
- states of perception: relaxation, awareness, listening of the body and concentration
- experiential anatomy and physiology.
b) Observation, body awareness and testimony
- concentration and relaxation exercises.
- awareness of breath and centre of gravity.
- production and modulation of energy.
- relation between movement and stillness.
- memory, repetition and transformation of movement exercises.
- improvisation and composition exercises.
c) The methods and its authors (see bibliography, amongst others)
d) Research on archives and audiovisual documentation

Teaching Methods

The teaching methodology of this course is centred in a permanent embodied practice, developed in parallel with the acquisition of knowledge and skills of experiential anatomy and physiology, of physical actor’s trainings through the perspective of different authors, of research on archives and audiovisual documentation around the authors.
The evaluation consists of:
- attendance, endeavour and quality of participation 30%
- apprehension of contents, acquired competences and verified evolution 40%
- practical work 20%
- report about the practical work undertaken establishing relations with the practices developed in 10%
- mid-term evaluation, non quantified, undertaken with the presence of the CU juri
To be evaluated, the student must attend 75% of the classes, that is, the limit of unjustified absences is fixed into 25% of the total of classes of the semester (except for those who are worker students).