Projects of Plastic Arts and Multimedia II

Name: Projects of Plastic Arts and Multimedia II
Code: VIS12771L
Duration: 15 weeks/234 hours
Scientific Area: Arte Multimédia, Artes Plásticas

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- Acquire the ability to develop a personal artistic contemporary demonstrating the mastery of the operational
and technical processes related to the technologies, languages and modes of expression learned throughout the
course in the plastic arts and multimedia, according to the your interests;
- Contextualize the project by researching concepts, themes, works, authors, as well as other areas of
knowledge that can enrich the student's work;
- Reflect on the process of artistic creation by developing research capacity, critical sense and rigor;
- To deepen hybrid language in the context of contemporary artistic practices characterized by the
interpenetration of disciplinary boundaries, taking into account the diversity of means of expression and the
references used in a project;
- Provide students with the ability to understand the relationship and dialogue between the work, the space and
the viewer in order to know how to publicly present the works in exhibition spaces, real or virtual.


1. Conceptualization, planning and scheduling of the project.
• Development of a personal artistic project by selecting a theme (concept, image, author, among others).
Presentation, for each student, of a text justifying the reason for their choice. This phase of the creative process
will allow the student a greater understanding of the work he intends to develop and his planning and
2. Development and deepening of artistic laboratory practices within the scope of the project.
• Conducting studies and technical experiments, elaborated using each technology's own operating modes, in
order to discover the best solutions for their final works.
3. Selection, installation and presentation of artwork.
• Completion of the project. Selection, with the help of the teacher, of his most relevant works as well as
planning and realization of the installation of the same for the final semester evaluation.

Teaching Methods

The teaching methodology is of an expository nature and throughout the sessions the teachers will present
examples of pioneering and current authors and works in the area of multimedia and plastic arts, as well as
bibliographical, videographic and other materials.
The follow-up of the students is personalized and the syllabus is appropriate to the project of each student
aiming at a growing artistic autonomy on the part of the student.
The students will regularly present synopses, texts, images and other elements related to their personal project.
The evaluation will be continuous taking into account the attendance, commitment of the student, the imaginative
and creative capacity, the work done in response to the exercises proposed, and the evolution of the student
and the mastery of techniques and knowledge taught by the teacher.
During the semester there will be continuous evaluation tests and a final evaluation. In the final evaluation the
students are evaluated by a jury composed by the teacher of the course and other teachers of the course, who
will appreciate the work developed globally and assign a final quantitative classification.

Standard Season (Continuous Assessment + Final Assessment)
Continuous Assessment (60%)
• 50% attendance
• 50% exercises made by the student on different small circuits (made during class)
Final Assessment (40%)
• Jury evaluation.