Art and Media Studies III

Name: Art and Media Studies III
Code: VIS12769L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Arte Multimédia, Artes Plásticas

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The primary objective of the curricular unit is to integrate the student's knowledge of the history and functioning
of some institutions of the "art world" by raising current concerns about Museology. It also presents as a
fundamental objective to provide a set of knowledge on Museography. It also wants the student to assimilate
the knowledge transmitted, develop personal and creative analyzes and syntheses. It is intended that students
learn a set of useful knowledge in their training as a future artist in the area of Museology and Museography.


1. Where to see? Where to exhibit? Museology and alternatives
1.1. Distinctions. When do the concepts were born? Atelier, Museum, Gallery, Alternative Space, Biennials, Triennial,
1.2. Labyrinth Museum: typologies of Museums: from the pre-museological Curiosities Cabinet to Museums of
Contemporary Art as city marketing
1.3. An approach to the international scene: MoMA; Guggenheim Empire; Tate Britain, Tate Modern et alli
1.4. The New Museology Movement
1.5. The Centers of Modern Art: Center Georges Pompidou et alli
1.6. Art Museums in Portugal: the case of the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga
1.7. The Museums transfigured by other artistic expressions: The Museum of Innocence of Orhan Pamuk; the
Museum in the Cinema and others
1.8. Galleries and auctioneers: questions about the art market and its agents: case studies
2. How to exhibit? Museography and alternatives
2.1. Expositive techniques: intervention options, criteria and resources in the expositive organization
3. Who buys?
3.1. Collectors - the public and the private

Teaching Methods

Classes will take place through a theoretical exposition, using audiovisual means to stimulate learning. We will
appeal to participation, reading, reflection, analysis of updated texts, visit to exhibitions. The evaluation will be
continuous, by analyzing the following elements: 1. A proposal for oral communication of 30 minutes. Students
who are not selected for the oral presentation will have to prepare a research paper; 2. One or two tests; 3. Work,
attendance, punctuality and participation in the course of the classes. The criteria are: quality and quantity of
work; capacity to evolve through their own skills and the integration of acquired knowledge; assiduity of the
student as a guarantee of learning. The percentages of calculation of the evaluation are organized as follows:
50% tests; 30% work; 20% attendance and participation. There is the possibility that the evaluation can be done
through a final exam.

Teaching Staff