Thematic Seminar 7

Name: Thematic Seminar 7
Code: FIL12634D
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Philosophy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- Knowledge of the state of the art in a philosophical area to which belong PhD projects.
- Analysis of particular issues in a relevant area of philosophical knowledge at present
- Integration of students in the research lines of the course teachers
- Developing students the ability to contextualize the problem investigating the horizon of contemporary
philosophical debates
- To foster in students the practice of a methodologically consistent approach to themes of their nascent
- Practice of academic work, formally correct, conceptually precise and well structured.

- Focusing fundamental philosophical questions from the binomial Cinema and Philosophy and, in
broader terms, the technic turn
- Allow the student-investigator exploring multiple philosophical inquiry directions stimulated by
problematicity that the more advanced art is able to raise


Towards a cinephilosophy

The unbearable lightness of photographic realism: from Bazin to Pasolini
Reality (and cinema) as unsubstant process: from Deleuze to Bergson

Cinema (and the phenomenon) as epochê: from Husserl to Merleau-Ponty
Being-in-the(-film’s)-world, quiasm, CsO: from Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze to Heidegger
Toward a technophenomenology (Idhe)
Negative theology of the simulacum-image: neither copy nor original (Benjamin, Baudrillard)

From reproducibility to the e.‘Matrix’, or – analogic and digital ontologies? (Bazin, Stewart)
The softwarization of ‘eXistenZ’ (Manovich): from medium (McLuhan) to the ‘post-media and
intermedial age’
Virtualization and its materialism, or – beyond the ‘real’ and ‘the ideal of the truthful’:
cinecristalography of the virtual/actual time, ‘F for False’ (Welles, Deleuze), neuro-image (Pisters),
infinite cibertranslatability (Kac)

The Sacrifice (Tarkovsky)
Stellet Lijcht (Reygadas)
Cavalo Dinheiro (Costa)

Teaching Methods

The seminar operates in attendance and may draw up, in special cases, participation by Skype. The
lecionação include exposure, working texts and debate. Eventually, they can be merged with sessions
conducted by guest lecturers or student participation in scientific meetings, which take place on topics /
related fields

The evaluation will be based on:
1) attendance and active participation (10%);
2) an oral presentation or
writing a short essay or commentary on the theme treated in the seminar or a report, 2-3 p. (15%);
3) the formal presentation of a final written test on communication format in a colloquium (75%).