Methodologies and Resources in Cultural Heritage

Name: Methodologies and Resources in Cultural Heritage
Code: HIS12101L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: History

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Gender equality education; promote the importance of partnerships to reduce social inequalities and raise awareness of responsible and sustainable consumption, such as heritage ethos

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

.Learn the methodologies and resources available to the study and research of the CH
.Recognize concepts, theories, techniques and intervention strategies and planning used in CH, with the
monuments and classified sites
.Master the research methods applied in studies on CH and its relationship with the soc. sciences
.Understand the different stages of research on CH.
.Understand the ethical implications and practices of research in CH
Develop a critical spirit and analytical about the economic, social, cultural and political implications of
interventions in heritage and its relationship with contemporary society
Develop bibliographic and documentary research skills on S.l Sciences and Humanities, with particular
attention to the research on CH
Develop autonomous and critical work that reflects the awareness of the different dimensions of CH, their
management structures and organizations, the problems posed by the diversity of spaces and equipment


Part I- Patrimonial object and C. Heritage
1. Conceptualization of Cultural Heritage: trends, swings and perspectives
2. From the object to patrimonial places - Material Heritage and Intangible Heritage
3. The subject asset protection: the national and international legal framework; the inventory of heritage
Part II - Methodologies and resources in C.Heritage research
1. The identification of different heritages and hybridization of C.l Heritage: from local to global
2. Documentary sources and resources for research in material and immaterial Heritage
3. Research Strategies on tangible and intangible C. Heritage: identification and establishment of criteria in
accordancewith the work to develop
3.1. The object of study and the available sources
3.2. The multiplicity of practices and the scientific-theoretical foundations
3.3. The research process and its inter or multidisciplinary
Part III - Epistemology of methodologies of preservation of C.Heritage: history, logic and context.

Teaching Methods

Teaching methodology: theoretical and practical lessons, content display, analysis of texts and
presentation of works by the students. The teaching materials used in will be available in the
e-learning platform of the University: www.moodle.uevora.pt At the beginning of the year will be indicated
two weekly hours dedicated to tutorial work, specially in order to accompany the students and give
suggestions for carrying out the works programmed. Evaluation: Final examination or continuous
evaluation, with: 1. An individual research paper on a topic proposed by the student, but that must be
accepted by one of the teachers (40%), with oral presentation (20%). Its preparation will be monitored in
tutorial sessions; 2. A frequency (40%).