Labour Economics

Name: Labour Economics
Code: ECN11994M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Economy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The objective of the course is to develop students' abilities in acquiring a better understanding of the labour markets´ functioning like unemployment, jobs and wages. Another objective is to provide students the tools for carrying out independent research in the field. This course covers traditional and recent economic theories that explain labour market functioning. Also, there is a discussion on the empirical studies in Labour economics, particularly applied to the Portuguese case.
Skills to develop:
General: responsibility, Independent reasoning and decision, Team-work and oral and written communication.
Academic: Ability to analyse and interpret data and empirical studies
Professional: Capacity to analyse the economic activity in its several dimensions (local, regional, national and international) and knowledge about the Portuguese and European labour markets.


Labour Supply. Labour Demand. Competitive equilibrium and compensating wage differentials. Education and Human Capital. Wage inequality. Labour mobility. Labour market discrimination. Unemployment.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical concepts will be presented followed by analysis of empirical applications or by solving exercises. Discussion on the theories and on the empirical evidence, paying attention to the Portuguese case, when it is possible. On the other hand, e-learning solutions are available which ensures flexibility and another opportunity of contact between students and teaching staff.
Evaluation: One written test(50% of final mark) and one group essay(50% of final mark).
There is the possibility of one final exam for those who cannot follow previous evaluation(100%).

Teaching Staff