General Theory of Sports Training

Name: General Theory of Sports Training
Code: DES00404L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Human Kinetics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English, Spanish
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

-Conceptualize the Sports Training as a dimension of Sport Sciences;
-Clarify and characterize the concepts of sports training, sports preparation, sports performance, training methodology;
-Mastering the biological laws of adaptation, methodological principles and pedagogical principles of Sports Training;
-To know the mechanism of the dynamic load-adaptation;
Set-conceptually, each of the factors of income, within the framework of different motor skills;
-Know and apply the main tools and evaluation tests of motor skills;
-Master the structural components of the training load, operationalized sessions for specific motor skills;
-Mastering the means and methods of training;
Know-conceptually different models of periodization of Sports Training, selecting the most appropriate depending on the specific features of the context of supply;


The major topics of the syllabus this Course are:
Block I - Fundamentals of General, Biological Mechanisms of Adaptation
Block II - Operational Bases for the Organization of Training Process
Block III - Motor Skills
A. The coordination abilities
B. Conditional Capabilities
C. Conditional Capabilities Coordinator
1.The Velocity
2.The Flexibility
Block IV - Planning and Periodization of Sports Training
Block V - Variability in Preparation Processes Sports
Block VI - The Practice of Decision Making in Sport
Block VII - Preparation of Children and Youth Sports
(The blocks shown are subdivided into many other content, which are contained in the Course program)

Teaching Methods

For the student to obtain approval in the continuous evaluation process must meet the following requirements:
Get final rating equal to or greater than 9.5 in all assessment tasks proposed;
Perform all tasks of evaluation proposals;
Obtain a partial classification of not less than 8 points in all assessment tasks proposed;
Meet 75% attendance in classes provided.
Propose the following assessment tasks for the continuous evaluation process:
1. Thematic report - "Analysis of a research paper"(30% final)
Reflection and critical analysis of a research article on a topic given by the teachers. Working in groups of 4 or 5. Deliver form the groups until 17 March (in 4).

2. Frequency (70% final)
Realization of a written test on the entire unit of matter taught