Education for the Environment: from Fundamentals to Action

Name: Education for the Environment: from Fundamentals to Action
Code: PAO14757M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Environment and Ecology Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: E-learning

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Relate the concepts diversity of Nature and Environment with the Environmental Education.
Explore the concept and principles of Sustainability in relation to Education.
Know and critically evaluate the ethical, conceptual and methodological approaches that support Environmental Education proposals.
Recognize the inter-and transdisciplinary character of Environmental Education and process continuity.
Recognize and understand the environmental contemporary problems in their a comprehensive, systemic and complex character, as well as the natural phenomena.
Promote an environmental and ecological culture throughout the knowledge and familiarity of study cases in several eco-social contexts.
Develop skill to conduct and perform research action project on Environmental Education.


1.Nature and environment
Perceptions and concept (s) of Nature and Environment
Relationship of the human species with “Nature”
Nature: from life support to the spiritual dimension.The importance of Nature. Biophilia. The Gaia hypothesis.
Ethics and Nature.

2.Contemporary environmental issues
The environmental crises
Threats and global changes
The social ecology

3.Mission and strategies for Environmental Education
Visions: from anthropocene to ecocene ...
Policies and citizenship
Basic rules, European Agenda, Treaties and Agreements.

4.Education for Sustainability (ES) and Environmental Education (EA)
Common points, divergences and specificities

5.Paths in and for Environmental Education
The delicate empiricism
“The forest schools”

6.Building projects in environmental education and raising of an ecological person.

Teaching Methods

Developed methodologies will focus on student participation, throughout the analysis of relevant texts, videos, performances and other resources, through the collaborative exploration of their content in its various dimensions adapted to elearning. It is intended to stimulate reasoned criticism, to develop environmental culture and to mobilize creativity in the learning process and in the context of research action.


The evaluation will be carried out in a Continuous mode, consisting of the contributions made throughout intermediate (40%) and a final work project (60%), guided by the teacher(s). This work will be subject to presentation and discussion, with the presence and participation of all elements of the group/class. Final evaluation: environmental education project presentation (100%).