The Labour Market and Legal Aspects in Physical Activity and Health

Name: The Labour Market and Legal Aspects in Physical Activity and Health
Code: DES10226M
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Juridical Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English, Spanish
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

It is intended that students:
- Meet the core competencies of the various professionals working in the field of exercise prescription.
- Understand the mechanisms that underlie the various possibilities that the labor market offers in this area.
- Know the landscape of the labor market and the legal aspects that surround the practice of physical activity in our country.
- Can collect and interpret critically relevant scientific information on the topics addressed;
- Acquire the ability to communicate ideas and scientific knowledge, oral and written form, organized in a coherent and logical issue about the scope of this Unit.


1. Legal aspects of health in sport
1.1. International, Europe, Spain and Portugal.
1.2. General powers and interdisciplinarity
1.3. Declarations of consent

2. Health models in sport: specific skills, interdisciplinary work and implications
2.1 Classic model: public and private
2.2. Model public health: public and private
2.3. Model Community: public and private
2.4. Leisure sports and health: public and private

Teaching Methods

The unit is organized into lectures and tutorials according to the regulation school of the UE. Lectures are plenary and based on the scientific method, emphasizing the search for information, the interpretation of experimental results and a critical and scientific rigor in students.

The assessment includes answering to questions during classes, and the organization and presentation by the students of relevant scientific articles and discussion with the teacher. The evaluation icludes the option for an elaboration and submittion of a manuscript, or an written assessment through a frequency or a final exam.

Despite the work attendance is essential to success in the course, relevance will be also given to working at distance. This will be done primarily through the provision of resources in Moodle. Student work will be guided by specific objectives to be achieved in different syllabus. The more practical skills will be acquired in person.

Teaching Staff