Child and Pediatric Health Nursing II

Name: Child and Pediatric Health Nursing II
Code: ENF14530M
Duration: 15 weeks/162 hours
Scientific Area: Nursing

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The health of children / young people / families depends on their quality of life, the lifestyle they adopt, the health policies and the care. It is intended through the master’s in Child Health and Pediatric nursing to provide students with skills necessary to provide specialized care; to develop specific skills with scientific, technical, human and cultural knowledge and to raise the knowledge and skills that enable it to provide specialized care to children / young people in situations of special complexity.
The specific objectives are:
- Identify the impact of illness and hospitalization
- Recognize risk situations.
- Analyze the action that involves child / youth care and family, recognizing the resources.
- Use evidence of care in the child / youth / family care in particular complexity.


1. The impact of hospitalization on the child / youth / family
2. Specialized care for newborns / children / young people in the family in situations of: acute illness, chronic illness, rare illnesses, with special health needs, oncological illness, disability / incapacity.
3. The child / youth and family and the risk:
3.1. Concept of risk and danger; Risk perception and risk predictors;
3.2. Risk assessment and management;
3.3. Opportunities and threats of child and youth development;
3.4. Early detection and referral of risk situations. Child / youth protection nucleus.
3.5. The specialist nurse and the risk prevention of the child / youth and family
4. Community resources to support the child / youth / family, recognize the role of the specialist nurse in the rehabilitation / early intervention process. Continued care in child health and pediatrics.
5. Pediatric palliative care and specialized work with the child / youth and family in end-of-life situations

Teaching Methods

Expository and participatory approach, encouraging critical and reflective thinking of students.
Experts Seminars
Analysis of articles and reference documents.
Group dynamics and analyzing situations.
Tutorial orientation for student support in the monitoring and development of group work and clarify doubts.
Group work with presentation and individual discussion or individual written test. Each evaluation element should have a rating of 10 or more, to ensure success in the curricular unit.
Exam: Individual written test.