Roman and Post-Roman Settelment Archaeology

Name: Roman and Post-Roman Settelment Archaeology
Code: HIS14676M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Archeology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English, Spanish
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Curricular unit designed to give specific training to students of Archaeology and Environment.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Identify, analyze and interpret archaeological data;
Recognize the diversity and social complexity of landscapes and their materialities;
Use concrete methodological tools to solve conceptual and interpretative problems related to the study of landscapes in historical periods


1. The Landscape Archaeology in Roman and Post-Classical Periods
2. The sources for the knowledge of rural landscapes
3. Life in the countryside in Lusitania
4. Settlement models: the networks and structures that organize the landscape
5. The post-classical landscape: organization strategies after the end of the Empire and the Muslim presence

Teaching Methods

Classes using theoretical exposition with presentation of slides that aim to illustrate the issues that are then put to debate in class. These are supported in the analysis of texts and case studies that may or may not be coincident, thus aiming to foster the critical spirit and analytical capacity of students.
The continuous assessment must be carried out through the elaboration of an individual assignment and one report evaluating one “case study” in the research contents.
The final assessment is made in the form of a final exam and can be made in any of the exam periods provided.