Psychomotor therapist formation throughout life

Name: Psychomotor therapist formation throughout life
Code: DES13926M
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Human Kinetics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


This CU intended that students understand the importance of continuous training of skills and knowledge, of personal development, throughout their life as psychomotor therapists.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. Understand the importance of continuous training of skills and knowledge
2. Self-questioning and reflexing on your role and place as a psychomotor therapist
3. Increase awareness, listening and empathy, and psychobodyl/psysical availability for psychomotor practice
4. Support personal, social and professional development


1. Interdiscipline and the contents of the psychomotor therapist’s training
2. The development of the psychomotor therapist through psycho-corporal work
3. Training as a support point for psychomotor practice and the construction of a professional identity
4. The psychomotor therapist’s continuous training in the domains of knowledge: to do-to be-to act
5. The psychomotor training specific to the psychomotor therapist, throughout life
6. When the psychomotor therapist’s body “gets sick”

Teaching Methods

Classes will take place Classes will take place throughout the 3rd semester. Theoretical classes are plenary with the support of audiovisual media where the contents are transmitted, and the critical and reflective attitude of the students is encouraged. For this, the questioning method will be privileged, in order to promote greater participation from students. The approach to theoretical content will be complemented by the Practical component, which takes place in the gym, to experience psycho-bodily activities with individual reflection, to relate this experience with the theoretical contents.
Both the continuous evaluation and the evaluation by exam, comprise the delivery of (a) a personal reflection (individual) with integration of program contents and (b) a written work (individual) based on articles about the contents (final average ≥ 9.5 values).

The student must obtain a rating ≥ 9.5 for each element of evaluation, in the two evaluation processes.

Teaching Staff