Spanish Language and Linguistics II

Name: Spanish Language and Linguistics II
Code: LLT14400L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Linguistics

Teaching languages: Portuguese, Spanish
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, Spanish
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


In the context of a 1st cycle in Languages and Literatures, this Curricular Unit aims to SDG, on the one hand, to promote "learning and teaching" and, on the other, to contribute to "research".

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Following several Spanish Language and Portuguese Linguistics curricular units, this CU aims:1.to support the synchronic use of the language in the process of historical elaboration; 2.to provide a diachronic perspective of the Spanish language, from its origins to today, with special reference to the formation/definition periods of the linguistic norm. The background provided by this CU aims to:1.Systematize concepts in the domain of diachronic variation; 2. Promote the contact with the textual heritage of the periods of the history of the Spanish language; 3. Expand/consolidate knowledge concerning Spanish (meta)linguistic tradition. In this sense, at the end of the semester students will be able to: 1. Identify and characterize the periods of the history of the Spanish language; 2.Explain some of the diachronic processes from Castilian to current Spanish;3. Practice the Spanish language in a grounded and competent way; 4. Recognize historical process marks in the current Spanish.


1. The Spanish language and its diachrony;2. Diachrony through texts of the current Spanish; 2.1.Historical phonetics and phonology;2.2.The great changes of the Siglos de Oro;2.3.Historical morphosyntax: pronouns; noun and verb paradigms; amalgamation; syntactic structures;2.4.Dobletes; 2.5.Semantic changes. 3.The predecessors of the Siglos de Oro;3.1. Pre-roman and Roman Hispania. Superstrata: Arabic element;3.2. The Christian kingdoms and the medieval linguistic diversity. From origins until the 11thc; 3.3. The 12th c. and the13thc.;3.4.The period of Alfonso X: characterization. The definition of the graphic patterns of Castilian;3.5.Pre-classical Spanish: linguistic characterization;3.6.The Spanish of the Siglos de Oro: characterization; cast./span.; norma castellana and norma sevillana;.3.7.The expansion of the Spanish language; 4.From classical to current Spanish: main changes or tendencies.

Teaching Methods

The classroom sessions consist in the presentation and discussion of the themes of the syllabus and exercises, with the supervision of the teacher, or the presentation, by the students, of the results of tasks of research and autonomous study of certain topics. The advanced study of some subjects will be done by means of bibliographical reviews, reading assignments, consultation of etymological dictionaries and specific web sites Tutorials provide methodological and bibliographical references to help with individual essays and the execution of tasks and exercises. Promoting the students autonomy, tutorials also provide the students with personalized guidance. The assessment is continous or final assessment (normal, "recurso", special and extraordinary exam (Cf. RAUE, artº 103º). The students are encouraged to choose continuous assessment that includes. 1. A practical test or a written individual work (50%); 2.final evaluation test (50%).

Teaching Staff