Portuguese Literature IV

Name: Portuguese Literature IV
Code: LLT10867L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Literature

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


This course aims to develop the literary, historical and cultural competence in students, trough reading extensively and critically analysing some of the most representative novels of the Portuguese twentieth century.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The objectives of this course are intended to develop in students their literary and cultural skills, enabling the students to:
1. Diachronically know the periodiological and generational configuration of Portuguese literature of the twentieth century, in conjunction with the development of the historical and cultural context;
2. Understand the major aesthetic and ideological, thematic and formal trends, characterizing the various streams and their literary productions, in this period;
3. Critically address some of the major literary productions of the period covered by the twentieth century


1. Panoramic review and criticism of literary of the period of the nineteenth century.
2. Portuguese fiction from neorrealismo to pos-modernismo:
2.1 Agustina Bessa-Luís and the seduction of History
2.2 Vergílio Ferreira, the radical restless, writing and the brief joy of living
2.3 José Saramago: story and History

Teaching Methods

Classroom sessions of theoretical-practical, with the predominance in the following teaching strategies and assessment:
- brief oral presentation with visual support, by the teaching of theoretical, critical and/or methodological contents, followed by discussion;
- exploratory and dialogic reading (teacher / student and student / student) of the proposed texts for application and/or questioning of key concepts previously exposed.
- Evaluation: Students following continuous evaluation produce a work supervised by the teacher (writing a brief essay) where students explore the productivity of concepts developed in the classroom. Their oral presentation and discussion will be object of a formative assessment and its written materialization is part of the final assessment. Collaborative work and a written test on the Syllabus works and concepts will represent the remaining percentage of the grade in continuous assessment. Students can choose exam assessment.