Spanish Literature I

Name: Spanish Literature I
Code: LLT10861L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Literature

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, French
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The contents of this course aims to provide an integrated view of the history of Spanish literature, from
the thirteenth to the sixteenth centuries, and knowledge of the stylistic and thematic codes present in
major works of this period, trying to cover different genres and modes of discourse.
At the end students should be able to understand the evolution and diversity of the literary manifestations
of this period and also its relevance in in the formation and consolidation of the Castilian language and
identity. They should also be able to perform, independently, an analytical and critical reading of texts.


1. Introduction. Brief historical review (13th century-16th century).
2. Poetry
2.1. Epic poetry. Poema de Mio Cid.
2.2. The “mester of clerecía”. Archpriest of Hita, Libro de Buen Amor.
2.3. The lyric poetry of the XVth century
2.3.1. Poetry of the Marquis of Santillana.
2.3.2. Jorge Manrique, Coplas por la muerte de su padre.
3. Prose
3.1. Alfonso X and historical prose in the vernacular: Estoria de España (excerpts).
3.2. Didactic prose: D. Juan Manuel, Libro del Conde Lucanor.
3.3. Fictional prose: Amadís de Gaula (excerpts).
4. Fernando de Rojas, La Celestina: gender, structure, characters.

Teaching Methods

Classes combine the lecture and seminar formats, including the reading and analysis of literary texts.
Students are assessed by performing two individual written tests (50% each), in the classroom, in which should
demonstrate detailed knowledge of the literary texts of the syllabus and its competence in critical
Students can also be assessed by final examination. (cf. Regulamento Académico da UE, artº 102º)

Teaching Staff