Intercultural Studies

Name: Intercultural Studies
Code: LLT10838L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Literature

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Discipline of Language and Literature course that is taught in the last year of the course. All other elements are provided in the articles filled out above. The program contents listed above are out of date

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

– To acquire a solid notion of culture.
– To put main topics of the European and occidental culture in perspective.
– To interpret them in a personal and creative way.
– To contact the following authors: Ribeiro Sanches; Francis Bacon; René Descartes; Espinosa; John Locke, Isac Newton; Montesquieu; Voltaire; Rousseau; Luís António Verney; F. Schlegel; Camilo Castelo Branco; Auguste Comte; S. Freud; André Breton.
– To contact the following topics: Iberian discoveries; Iluminism; the independence of USA and the French Revolution; Romanticism; Realism and Positivism; Modernism and Vanguards; Surrealism; the ecological problem.
– To provide the students with an approach to European and occidental culture that leads them to understand its present values.


The different meanings of "culture": diachronic perspectives
The idea of nation: memory, time and space
Culture, Art and communication: literacies and cultural practices
Globalization and culture: questions of cultural identity
Dimensions and cultural diversity: a comparative approach
Culture and discourses: interdisciplinary dialogues
Science, Culture and Art: the harmony of knowledge
Crossed views on the modern national and transnational identity

Teaching Methods

1. The sessions will be theoretical-practical contemplating several methodologies, proper to a theoretical-practical class: collective sessions of presentation of the contents; answering questions; debates of fundamental and specific issues; critical readings of selected texts; oral presentationa by the students on the subjects treated.
2. Student's evaluation: must be, preferably, a continuous one, taking advantage of the teacher's availability, through an in-class written quiz (date to be arranged), and an individual research essay on a theme of the syllabus that result from smaller essays done by the students in and in tutorials.

Teaching Staff