International Economics

Name: International Economics
Code: ECN02337L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Economy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


The International Economics course studies theories and instruments for analyzing international trade in goods, services and factors, and the impacts of public policies on the level of well-being.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Provide current knowledge on international trends in goods/services flows and production factors. Study of the theoretical and analytical framework to understand the causes and effects of interdependence between “sovereign” economies. Understanding the structural dynamics of the world economy, in particular those arising from the effects of the globalization process on the competitiveness of countries, as well as the economic impacts of public policies on the well-being of agents.
In general competences, skills of own-thinking, decision making and written and oral communication are encouraged. At the professional level, skills are oriented to understand economic relations between countries and their effects on the economic policies. Specific skills are strengthened by mastering concepts, theories and tools for analyzing international economic relations, enabling graduates to work on public policy or business evaluation.


- The International Economy in the context of the global economy: characterization of the Globalization process in view of the international mobility of products, services and production factors.
- Trends and determinants of the globalization of production: temporal dynamics of trade and factors of production movements in the international context.
- Classical and neoclassical theories of international trade: Comparative Advantage in models with technological and factorial differences
- Modern theories of international trade, in the context of imperfect competition
Ter Porter's model of nations' competitive advantages
- Introductory approach to economic geography models based on Krugman's approach
- The economics of Trade Policy and the institutional framework of international trade
- The economics of international factor mobility: Foreign Direct Investment and international migration

Teaching Methods

Classes will have an expository component of the program and an applied component in which practical situations will be discussed. Some classes will be aimed at monitoring, presenting and discussing the progress reports of the work and that materialize the investigation component. It is required that students regularly dedicate a few hours to study the bibliography and research on the subjects that make up the syllabus of this course.
Continuous assessment is preferred, based on the following tests: 1 research work to be carried out in a group and 2 individual written tests, with a weighting of 45%, 25% and 30%, respectively. This consideration intends to encourage research work, assiduity and active participation in the teaching/learning process. It seeks to develop research skills and stimulate interest in research.
In the Exam regime, the final grade obtained in an exam applied to all contents is considered.

Teaching Staff