Agriculture and Environment

Name: Agriculture and Environment
Code: FIT14007I
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Agronomy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial



Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The Curricular Unit aims to provide theoretical and practical knowledge of agriculture and forestry and agricultural systems practiced. Another goal of this Curricular Unit is the acquisition, by students, of knowledge on climate, agriculture and climatic changes relations, pasture and forages. Students are trained to interpret the different agro-environmental conditions and also with a sense of how to work the farms, as well as their integration in rural areas.


1. Climate and Agriculture
1.1. Climate and plant production: the Mediterranean climate peculiarities
1.2. Climate change in Portugal and the impacts of climate change on agriculture
1.3. Contribution of Mediterranean agriculture to climate change
1.4. Adaptation and mitigation measures in agriculture
2. Pastures
2.1 Pastures´ concept and Importance
2.2 Classification of pastures
2.3 Curves of pasture production
2.4 Installation and handling of pastures
3 Fodder
3.1 Forage concept and Importance
3.2 Forage options
3.3 Ways of using fodder
4 Preserved Fodder
4.1 Dehydrated fodder
4.2 Silage and Hay-silages
4.4 Fodder in large bales
5. Ruminants production systems based on pastures and fodder
6. From natural forests to silviculture
7. Sustainable silviculture
8. The main forest production systems of Portugal associated with the management of domestic and wild animals (Quercus spp, Pyrenaica Quercus, Pinea Pinus, Pinus pinaster, Eucalyptus globulus)

Teaching Methods

The approach of the themes is made with a theoretical component using PowerPoint, followed by practical examples (not person) and face-to-face with study visits to the pastures, forages, and cereal crops installed on the Mitra farm that belongs to the University of Évora.
Continuous evaluation will consist of a written assessment in the last week of the semester, tackling all the themes taught. If the student does not meet a minimum grade of 9.5 values, he/she shall be submitted to a final written exam.