Environmental Rehabilitation

Name: Environmental Rehabilitation
Code: GEO07154M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Environment and Ecology Sciences, Geological Engineering

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Environmental Recovery is used in the context of degraded areas (namely for extractive activities) and has as main objectives the stabilization of the land, the guarantee of public security, the aesthetic improvement and the recovery of the land for useful uses in the regional context.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To create abilities in environmental recovery in the diverse sources related with the geotechnics and exploration of geological resources.
Provide theoretical and applied knowledge about the environment and the relationship with the Earth Resources Exploration and Geotechnics, seeking an adequate professional training to the functions that future masters of Geological Engineering will perform in companies or institutions of the specialty.
Solve environmental problems related to geotechnical works, open pit and underground mines, rehabilitation of aquifers vulnerable coastal areas, among others.


Introduction to the concepts of environmental rehabilitation and ecological restoration. The objectives, criteria, benchmarks of recovery.
Impacts due to mining, quarries and gravel pits. Correction of impacts related to noise and vibration.
Management of toxic and radioactive waste. Treatment of degraded areas.
Correction of impacts on water systems. Surface Water. Rehabilitation of Aquifers.
Contamination of soils, sediments and water by heavy metals from mines. Decontamination of land.
Tailings dams.
Correction of impacts on air quality, soil, landscape and ecological systems.
Introduction to Environmental Geotechnics. Sustainable development.
Correction of impacts in Linear Works (road and rail).
Characterization and classification of waste management and waste disposal.
Management and recovery of waste in geotechnical works. Legislative framework for the recovery of waste.
Environmental recovery methods for coastal and estuarine areas.

Teaching Methods

Face lessons and e-learning. Theoretical and theoretical and practical face lessons, although some theoretical and practical lessons and tutorial guidance be given by e-learning, using the Moodle platform, complemented with field classes and study visits.
The teaching method is based on the presentation of theoretical concepts and associated methodologies according with the structure of course materials. During the theoretical lessons the students are encouraged to participate and debate the fundamental concepts as well as the
methodologies associated with the presentation topics. The course materials available include the fundamental theoretical concepts, self-assessment exercises, research papers and other relevant documentation.

Evaluation: the student is allowed to choose between the two alternative regimes:
- Continuous evaluation - two written tests with equal weight (50%), with a minimum score of 8 values in each test.
- Final evaluation - Written exam (100%).