Research Methods in Landscape

Name: Research Methods in Landscape
Code: PAO14105D
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Landscape Architecture

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This course has a practical and applied nature, and the teaching-learning model fosters the development of skills and competences both generic and specific to the field of the PhD program. With this course, students should be able to reach the following goals: understanding of research methods and experimental development on the field of landscape arts and techniques, be able to develop a thesis plan identifying the appropriate research methods and techniques, knowledge and competence on the application of the research methods and techniques that are benchmarks in the area of the dissertation.


In a PhD program such as this one, students face very different phenomena and processes as well as data of different nature. In order to provide a strong methodological formation, the syllabus comprises the following elements:
1. Identification of issues and appropriate methodological approches;
2. Identification of research goals;
3. Selection of the appropriate methods and techniques to reach the study goals;
4. Use of the appropriate methods and techniques in order to answer the identified issues.

Teaching Methods

The acquisition of the skills and competences intended by this course involves theoretical/practical sessions, tutorial-type sessions, practical work to be developed in group or individually, individual autonomous work . Students' evaluation follows the continuous assessment procedures

Teaching Staff