How to make History

Name: How to make History
Code: HIS11632M
Duration: 15 weeks/312 hours
Scientific Area: History

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Goals. i. Knowing the epistemic tools of the dominant methodologies in historiography, in the social sciences, with disciplinary links (inserting language / computing and documentation). Use/ control / manage advanced research methodologies.
ii. Skills. Deepening skills installed: theoretical and model-building analysis; research, selection / interpretation of information; state of the art; recognize research agendas; formulate working hypotheses.
iii. Advanced training: skills of analysis and synthesis; promote the use of various techniques of oral and written communication; plan and conduct processes of scientific research, from the perspective of innovation, interdisciplinary context; develop critical thinking and intellectual scientific ethics; autonomous learning / continuous updating; innovative work / comparative, transnational and trans-disciplinary profile; scientific creativity: dissemination of results - with societal impacts.


1. Patterns of Modernity and Post-modernity thought and impact on the western historiography.
2. Seeking information and literature review: managing bibliographical citation and stiles with Zotero or Mendely; strategies for developing the state of the art.
3. Archival resources and the construction of the documental corpus.
4. Planning a databases: criteria to consider.
5. Qualitative treatment of texts: printed; manuscripts; www brackets.
6. Non-textual sources: how to deal with.
7. Treatment of data and texts: statistical methods; micro-history; prosopography; network analysis; content analysis; comparative analysis; inter-related analysis; geo-referencing and mapping.
8. Structuring and particularities of historiographical writing. Academic writing
9. Techniques of oral communication of results.

Teaching Methods

This uc has the profile of a seminar - teaching method. Goals: to put the student in the practice of making history in the context of research Masters, linked to research units FCT in order to promote a sustainable way of working methodologies and interdisciplinary research.
Model class: interactive, introducing the responsibility of teachers or students (going beyond the basic learning).
Discussion / analysis of case studies or construction of concrete proposals for analysis. Assessment is ongoing and involves the production of a final essay that has to be built under the direct supervision of teachers / students, so that they can identify the following percentages: regular participation (20%); seminar presentation of a case study (40%); submission of the final text in public (40%). For final paper delivery all these steps have to be necessarily fulfilled.