Educational Assessment

Name: Educational Assessment
Code: PED02487L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Education Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To develop a positive attitude faces to assessment, in general, and in
particularly in educative context.
To get assessment knowledge in different domains.
To understand the assessment role in educational context.
To take decisions systematical based in assessment processes/procedures.
To describe and to problematize different functions of assessment.
To perspective the assessment as an integrant part of curriculum.
To analyze the relations between assessment, teaching, learning, personal development and organizational development.
To make acquaintance with the assessment investigation methodology


1. The educational assessment: concepts and paradigms
1.1. The assessments concepts, measure and classification
1.2. Assessment presuppositions
1.3. Extent, nature, functions and consequences of the assessment
1.4. Historical perspective of the assessment
2. Domains of educational assessment
2.1. Learning assessment
2.1.1. Learning, teaching and assessment, which relations?
2.1.2. Learning assessment instruments.
2.2. Assessment and professional development
2.2.1. Presuppositions and dimensions of The Teacher?s Acting Assessment
2.3. Institutional assessment (Schools)
2.3.1. Internal and external assessment
2.4. Programs and educational projects assessment
2.4.1. Theories and models of Education Assessment
3. The Investigation in Educational Assessment

Teaching Methods

Starting from the report of lived experiences or from the analysis of texts and other
documents, the students are requested to accomplish individual work/in small
groups and to participate in discussions and debates that are coordinated with
expository moments of framing and systemization of the themes in cause.
All of the resources used in the classes are made available in the moodle, as well
as the necessary documents and support materials for the accomplishment of the
proposed activities.

The final classification of the course will be as follows:

1. Continuous Evaluation Scheme:
Attendance (A) - the student must be present in 75% of the face-to-face sessions
- Quality and regularity of participation (P) in the activities proposed in (25%)
- Written exam (E) (50%)
- Practical test (Pt) to be presented in (25%)

2. Examination regime:
- Written test (E) (75%)
- Practical test (Pt) (20%)

Teaching Staff