
Name: Neuropsychology
Code: PSI11102L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Psychology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Neuropsychology addresses the relation between brain and behavior by studying the functional organization of the human brain and the neurological bases of cognitive and emotional processes. This course introduces the main concepts, methods and techniques used in Neuropsychology.

Learning outcomes:
1. Recognizes the importance of studying the neurological bases of behavior
2. Describes the anatomy and functional structure of the brain
3. Describes methods and techniques of research and collection of clinical data used in Neuropsychology


1. Neuropsychology: historical perspective and key concepts

2. Introducing the brain
1. Structure and function of the neuron
2. Brain organization and function

3. Methods and tecniques in Neuropsychology
1. Dissociations, associations, single case-studies and group studies
2. Electropsysiological techniques (EEG and ERPs)
3. Structural and functional imaging of the brain (PET and fMRI)
4. Function inibition (TMS)
5. Integrating physiological and psychological findings

4. Neuropsychology of cognitive and emotional functions
1. Attention and executive functions
2. Visual recognition and space processing
3. Memory
4. Language
5. Emotions

5. Brain lesions and neurological diseases

Teaching Methods

The unit will be taught using a combination of lectures and practical classes. In practical classes students study clinical cases with different conditions and experimental evidence of basic cognitive and emotional processes

Continuous evaluation
Group work (40%): poster and oral presentation OR participation on an experimental study and written experimental report
Written test (60%)

Final evaluation
Final exam (100%)

In this module attendance is mandatory in 75% of classes.

Teaching Staff