Analysis of Psychomotor Practice

Name: Analysis of Psychomotor Practice
Code: DES13911L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Human Kinetics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


It is intended to understand the potentiality of psychomotor practice in an educational context, through observation and direct intervention with children, at the level of the 1st cycle

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

In terms of knowledge, the objectives are:
- Know and understand the specificity of psychomotor practice in an educational context;
- Know and relate the phases of the teaching-learning process;
- Know and describe the factors of pedagogical success in psychomotor intervention;
- Know and describe the factors of psychomotor efficiency;
- Know and understand the stages of the psychomotor intervention model;
- Understand the process of psychomotor observation.
In terms of skills, the student should be able to:
- Identify and apply the necessary strategies for a psychomotor intervention in an effective educational context;
- Define the different levels of objectives according to the characteristics of the defined intervention program;
- Plan a session that is appropriate and consistent with the characteristics of a group;
- Identify and define the stages of psychomotor observation.


a. Psychomotricity at school according to João dos Santos, Bernand Aucouturier, André Lapierre, and Pedro Onofre
b. Teaching-learning process
c. Pedagogical effectiveness factors
d. Intervention strategies
e. Psychomotor intervention model
f. Introduction to planning
g. General, specific, and operational objectives
h. Introduction to psychomotor observation
i. Aball - intervention program

Teaching Methods

This UC includes, weekly, a T (60 min) and a TP (120 min), held in the classroom, in the psychomotricity room and in community schools.
In the T classes, the theoretical content needed to contextualize and understand the psychomotor intervention will be addressed. In TP classes, these contents will be transposed, through the dynamism and practical observation of a session plan, with the target population.
The continuous assessment will be carried out through the delivery of reflections on the analyzed texts, a session plan streamlined by the students, a report on the observation of a session, and a written frequency. Attendance at least 75% of sessions is required. The student cannot obtain a grade lower than 9.5 in any moment of evaluation.
The exam evaluation will consist of a written test and a practical test.