Integrated Seminar on Arts, Humanities, Sciences and Technologies

Name: Integrated Seminar on Arts, Humanities, Sciences and Technologies
Code: PED13943M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Education Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


The course aims to foster, in students, an integrated and broad view of their own knowledge in such different areas, but which can be combined and complementary, namely in multiple activities and projects.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1- To know and reflect on issues transversal to education and life in society, in a holistic relationship.
2- To be able to develop and adapt the addressed transversal problems to their own intervention in the areas of interface between the arts, the humanities, sciences and technology.
3- To be able to develop cooperative work processes adapted to your needs as a future teacher.
4- To know and to integrate the research and the contributions of specialists from different areas of knowledge, in view of their role as future teacher.


1 - Transversal issues to education and life in society.
2 - Transdisciplinary and institutional cooperation transversal practices.
3 - Conception and promotion of activities, projects and experiences of a transdisciplinary nature.

Teaching Methods

The integration of languages and themes is promoted by participatory and active approaches of transversal themes, promoted by the teaching team, by the dynamization of activities, by invited specialists and by study visits. In all sessions students are asked to participate in the activities, considering them as participants in the knowledge produced. The final product for evaluation is a portfolio, where the work carried out will be gathered and the reflections on some interventions will be recorded, both by the professors and the invited specialists. As an element of evaluation, there is also practical work, resulting from project proposals emerging from students' questions, and their presentation in class. These practical works result from the dynamics of the problems addressed.
Continuous evaluation
Portfolio - 50%
Practical works - 40%
Attendance and participation - 10%
Final evaluation - Written exam - 100%