
Name: Thesis
Code: ARQ14673I
Duration: 30 weeks/780 hours
Scientific Area: Architecture

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


In this CU the discussion of research topics is not only thorough, but also imposes the discipline of
students to take stock of their investigations and confront
rhythms, problems and conclusions of other investigations. The main objective is that at the end of the 10th
the investigations are completed and the students prepared for the public defense tests. THE
The organization of the thesis colloquium allows students to have, in due time, the opportunity to
confronting an outside public with the class that will comment and critically react to investigations in

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. Ensure high levels of productivity of advanced research work
2. Ensuring the quality of the work in progress
3. Continuously follow the development and difficulties of each of the students
4. Stimulate the visibility and discussion of the different works
5. Prepare students for public defense exams


They depend on the research work developed by each student

Teaching Methods

1. Tutorial guidance
2. Debates on research topics
3. Periodic presentations and discussions of the different phases of research in development
4. Colloquium of research papers in which the student will publicly present his research
The advisor will evaluate the work based on continuous assessment and presentation time
in a colloquium of research wor