Structures II

Name: Structures II
Code: ARQ13289I
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Architecture

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Apprehension of basic knowledge about mechanics and resistance of materials, so that students can better reconcile structural systems with architectural design.


1. Porticos: Porticos subject to horizontal forces and porticos subject to vertical forces. Porches with frames at their base and frames with joints at their bases. Deformed and bending moments.
2. Path of the loads in structures.
3. Notions of prestressing in concrete structures
4. Geometry of the sections: Center of gravity, Moment of inertia. Understanding concepts.
5. Phenomena of instability. Varnishing of pillars. Slimness. Critical load. Problems of structural instability in beams.
6. Behavior of materials: Mechanical behavior of steel, glass, concrete, natural stone and wood. Characterization of the rigidity of a material through the modulus of elasticity. Notions of strength and stiffness of a structural element.
7. Structural safety. Actions on building structures. Sizing criteria: ultimate limit state and use limit state.
8. Structural systems of buildings. Structural design. Guiding principles of the structural solution. Particular aspects of the structural solution.

Teaching Methods

The teaching methodology includes oral presentations, written exercises and discussion and, development and presentation of group work.


The classification in this curricular unit may result from one of the following assessment systems: continuous assessment or final exam.
Continuous assessment by frequency: Final Grade = (0.5xF) + (0.5xT)
Assessment by regular exam: Final Grade = (0.7xEN) + (0.3xT)
Assessment by appeal period exam, special period exam and extraordinary period exam: Final Grade = (0.8xE) + (0.2xT)

On what:
Final Grade - cannot be less than 10 points.
F – 2 frequencies whose arithmetic average cannot be less than 10 values and the minimum grade in each frequency cannot be less than 7.5 values.
T - group work with a minimum grade of 10.
EN – exam whose minimum grade is 10 points.
E – exam whose minimum grade is 10 points.

Attendance in classes is mandatory (75% of classes). Anyone who exceeds the number of absences will only be able to take the appeal exam.

Teaching Staff