Construction Technology II

Name: Construction Technology II
Code: ARQ02546I
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Architecture

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Thermal comfort and adequate indoor air quality. Natural ventilation. Regulations in the field of Thermics of Buildings. Energy certification concept.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Subject: Energetic Systems in Buildings
Subject of introduction to energetic systems of buildings, particularly to energy consumed in control systems
of indoor environment. Fundamental concepts are introduced, and explored principals of energetic consume
reduction and buildings’ environmental impact.


Integration of energetic systems in buildings, from the project coordination point of view
- Moist air and principals of mass transfer and condensation;
- Analisys of current systems of: a) heating and cooling systems production; b) delivery of heat and cold; c)
mechanical ventilation; d) hydraulic pumping and air filtering;
- Conditions for thermic confort and principals for air conditioning projects;
- Indoor air quality notion and natural ventilation;
- Lighting systems;
- Regulation of Buildings’ Energetic and Air Conditioning Systems (DL-79/2006) and energetic auditing within
DL 79/2006;
- Energy certification concept.

Teaching Methods

The subject is organized from theoretical and presentation classes, analysis and comparison of different
solutions of energetic systems and practical exercises, based on project work, in which the student must, in a
critical and awareness way, articulate effective solutions and coherent systems in its architectonic expression.
The evaluation system is based on continuous evaluation (assiduity and participation), individual exercises
from programmatic contents, one semi-annual final work based on work of curricular unit Advanced project I,
and two written tests accomplished in the middle and in the end of the semester.

Teaching Staff