Portuguese Architecture

Name: Portuguese Architecture
Code: ARQ02542I
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Architecture

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


An introduction to the main issues, debates and works of Portuguese architectural culture (19th-20th C), supporting the development of specialised knowledge and research skills in students.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

"Fundamental themes of Portuguese Architectonic Culture of the 20th Century" is the central theme of the curricular unit Architectonic Culture in Portugal:
1. Summary approach to an Architectonic Culture in Portugal, identifying permanencies, recurrences and syntheses over time.
2. From themes considered paradigmatic, approach to territory and landscape, cities and buildings of 20th Century in Portugal, making known, wider, the Architectonic Culture of this period, as well as its existential dimensions.
3. Critical identification and characterization of one set of Portuguese real estate of the 20th Century, circumscribing logic, matrices, models and fundamental themes.
4. Critical and identification dismantling of connexions space, shape, architectonic materiality and fruition in paradigmatic study cases of Portuguese Architectures of the 20th Century, looking for delivering knowledge and tools able to stimulate creativity and the Architecture Project process.


1. Approach to an Architectonic Culture in Portugal: roots, paths, synthesis and limitations.
2. Approach to an Architectonic Culture of the 20th in Portugal: permanencies and paradigmatic themes.
3. City, Territory and Landscape: models, matrices and fundamental issues.
4. The problematic of the Portuguese House.
5. The Portuguese World Exhibition of 1940.
6. The 1st National Congress of Architecture of 1948: fundamental thesis, political issues and social involvement.
7. The Inquiry to Traditional Architecture and Neo-Realism: reasons, impacts and consequences.
8. Brazil and the Colonial Issue: experimentation, exoticism and new scales.
9. Dwelling issues and the right to Architecture: housing, new cities, urban sets, and territorial organization.
10. Review of Modernity: new cultural dynamics, both economic and urban, the critical regionalism and the critics to regionalism.
11. Permanencies of Portuguese Architectonic Culture of the 20th Century in contemporaineity.

Teaching Methods

Theaching methodology matches the programmatic contents. Most of the classes have similar formal construction, presenting audiovisual materials, focusing particularly at specific cases studies according to the following criteria:
1. Introduction
2. The programmatic theme
3. Building strcutures, cities and/or territories and landscapes
4. Conceptual, formal, and spatial meanings
5. Case-studies
6. Conclusions
The evaluation system sets in continuous evaluation (attendance and participation) and in one group exercise that promotes and deepens research about Portuguese Architectonic Culture of the 20th Century, aiming to conclude the 2nd cycle of the integrated Master.


CONTINUOUS EVALUATION results from attendance and participation (P x 10%) and the completion of a Group Work (TG x 30%, max. 3 students) and an Individual Work (TI x 60%) . The assignments (TG/TI) will be graded according to the depth of the research and the quality of the written and oral presentation. The presentation of the TG will be made by the whole group and will be graded jointly. Failure to complete the TG or IT, or to obtain a minimum mark of 8, will result in the student moving on to FINAL ASSESSMENT.
FINAL ASSESSMENT consists of a theoretical IT (40%) and a written test (PE x 60%) on the contents of the course.
The NORMAL EXAM corresponds to the delivery of the TI or the completion of the PE.
The APPEAL EXAM consists of a new TI (20%) and a PE (80%).
The intention to take any exam must be notified 48 hours in advance.

Teaching Staff