Research Methodology I

Name: Research Methodology I
Code: ARQ02540I
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Architecture

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This curricular unit has as main objective to provide the tools to the students both in scientific research general area and particular field of architecture, that allow them to develop management, organization, development abilities and presentation of a research work in Architecture. In the end of the curricular unit, the student must acquire the following skills:
1. Knowing how to define a research theme, as well as its study object
2. Knowing how to define the state of art
3. Knowing how to use research tools effectively
4. Write a scientific article
5. Articulate different research levels involved in architecture work


1. Definition of the master final work
2. Strategies of a research theme and a study object
3. Definition of state of the art
4. General methodologies of scientific research and specific for research in architecture
5. General methodologies of scientific writing and specific for writing about architecture

Teaching Methods

Theoretical classes, with presentation of examples; debates with the students. Evaluation method: scientific article, evaluated according to application of acquired knowledge in the curricular unit.