Urban and Territorial Design I

Name: Urban and Territorial Design I
Code: ARQ02531I
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Architecture

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. Systematic introduction to the study of cities, from a perspective of the history of ideas about urban design, rather than a history of urbanism itself. Particular attention is given to theories and ideas about urban planning as a field of knowledge independent and recent.
2. Introduction to cities such as a product of planning and programming, as well as spontaneous dynamics over the territory.
3. Constitution of a collection of case studies.
4. Construction of an integrated concept of urbanism and architecture, distinguishing and recognizing similarities and differences between the scope of architecture and eminently urban.


1. The city in Industrial Revolution and the Socialist Utopias.
2. The chains of Cultural and Progressive Thinking.
3. The City-Garden of Ebenezer Howard.
4. The contribution of Patrick Geddes for planning.
5. Lewis Mumford and the ideas of RPAA

Teaching Methods

Reading in preparatory moments and participation and discussion in classes is complemented with accomplishment of a group research work and/or a specific bibliographic research.
Besides theoretical basis, aiming the intention to develop a consciousness of close connection between urban space and architecture, a work will be articulated with Project curricular unit. Part of the work of Urban Design may be used as a basis to work of curricular unit Project VI.


The final grade for CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT will be determined through a Group Assignment (GA x 40%), an Individual Assignment (IA x 50%), and attendance and participation (P x 10%).

The GA can include a maximum of 3 students. The Assignments (GA/IA) will be evaluated based on the depth of research and the quality of written and oral presentation. The presentation will be given by all students together, and the evaluation will be collective. Completing all assignments is mandatory. Failure to complete one or more assignments or failure to achieve a minimum score of 8 will result in being transferred to the Final Evaluation.

The FINAL EVALUATION consists of an IA (40%) and a Written Exam (WE x 60%). The WE is the NORMAL EXAM and involves the written and illustrated theoretical development of the course contents.

The EXTRA EXAM consists of an IA (20%) and a WE (80%).

Students must notify their intention to take either exams with 48h notice.

Teaching Staff