Architectural Drawing I

Name: Architectural Drawing I
Code: ARQ02515I
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Architecture

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Develop the practice of drawing as the basis of architectural creation and also as a graphic registration system, seeking to prove and explain the architectural idea and object.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The objective is to uderstand architectural drawing not only as the basis for the creative process but as well as
a system of representation
a) System of representation for the architectural concept and as a tool for codification;
b) Understanding the history of architectural drawing;
c) Drawing techniques and their speceficiites within the creative process and drawing as an individual system
and toll for architectural thinking.


a) History of Architectural Drawing
The role of architectural drawing in art history and architecture, its relation with the singular moments of
human history and cross-influences and other areas of knowledge (engineering, science, philosophy, society,
...) exploring, among others, the contributions of authors: Vitruvius, Vignola, Serlio, Palladio, Herrera,
Scamozzi, Piranesi, Le-Duc, Ledoux, Schinkel, Loos, Housaki, Wright, Le Corbusier, Mies, Bauhaus, Utzon,
Smithson, Archigram, Friedman, Shiza Eisenmann, Zumthor.
b) The Analytical Design (Part I)
- Analysis of the mass;
- Spatial Analysis;
- The Comping as architectural extension of graphic expression.
1 Analysis of a Mass
2 Spatial Analysis

Teaching Methods

Teaching Methodologies:
Learning activities will be undertaken both in and outside, structured according to the following formats:
a) Lectures;
b) Practical Classes.
Method Evaliação:
The evaluation will be continuous, with customized weekly review. Exercises will be conducted in and
two practical major, one corresponding to an intermediate delivery and another corresponding to the final
work. These works constitute studies on existing buildings or notable reference projects
Elements to be considered in the evaluation:
a) Participation of students
b) Evidence of knowledge
c) Practical work


The absence of students in assessments, when not duly justified, implies a negative weighting of the classification. The calculation of the classification presupposes the progression of the levels of requirement of the exercises, as well as the temporal perspective and the synthesis of learning. The final classification, considering attendance (P) and the student's overall achievement, will be the weighted average of the two classifications (Av1+Av2) predicted for the semester, and the classification of the graphic diary (DG).
Normal season (EN)
Final Grade = (0.05xP) + (0.70xAv) + (0.25xDG), whose minimum grade is 10 points.
Resource season (ER)
Final Grade = (0.4xEN) + (0.60xER), whose minimum grade is 10 points.

Teaching Staff