Classic and Middle Age Architecture

Name: Classic and Middle Age Architecture
Code: ARQ02506I
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Architecture

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


The subject will be taught in Portuguese.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

"Da Antiguidade às Cidades de Deus” is the central theme of curricular unit of Architecture of Antiquity and Middle Age:
1. The buildings and architecture of Antiquity and Middle Age, the Architectonic Culture of this period, as well as their existential dimensions.
2. Critical identification and characterization of main buildings of Antiquity and Middle Age, circumscribing logic, matrices, models and fundamental themes, aiming to increase and enrich student’s architectonic culture.
3. Critical and identification dismantling of connexions space, shape, architectonic materiality and fruition in paradigmatic study cases of Architectures from Antiquity and Middle Age, looking for delivering knowledge and tools able to stimulate creativity and the Architectural creative process.


1. Introduction. Permanence of Classic Architecture Culture – Egipt, Grece and Rome – in Antiquity and Middle Age Territories and Architectures.
2. East Rome Territories and Architectures. Approach to territory and landscape; models and buildings’ themes; conception, articulation and formal, spatial and material meaning.
3. Territories and Architectures of West Islam. Approach to territory and landscape; models and buildings’ themes; conception, articulation and formal, spatial and material meaning.
4. RomanicTerritories and Architectures. Approach to territory and landscape; models and buildings’ themes; conception, articulation and formal, spatial and material meaning.
5. Gothic Territories and Architectures. Approach to territory and landscape; models and buildings’ themes; conception, articulation and formal, spatial and material meaning.
6. Conclusion. Permanence of Antiquity and Middle Age Architectonic Culture in Humanism Era.

Teaching Methods

The structure of programmatic contents, in one hand, frames approaches to territory and landscape, cities and buildings of Antiquity and Middle Age; promotes critical identification and feature of a significant set of Antiquity and Middle Age real estate, circumscribing logic, matrices, models and fundamental themes; and guarantee sequent critical identification and dismantling of connexions architectonic space, shape, materiality and fruition in paradigmatic study cases of Antiquity and Middle Age Architectures. On the other hand, despite limitation of the semi-annual teaching period, the sum of programmatic contents allows a wider approach to Architectural Culture of Antiquity and Middle Age, making known a wide set of buildings of this period, enlarging and enriching students’ architectonic culture, and finding it useful and operative within Project curricular units.



4.1. Consistency of teaching methodologies with the objectives of the U.C. The aim is for students to have the representational tools to convey their ideas fully. Classes will be of a theoretical/practical nature. In accordance with the Academic Regulations, assessment will be continuous and final.

4.2. Continuous assessment This will consist of a frequency test on the subject taught and a practical assignment made up of various exercises. The continuous assessment will be the combined mark for the work carried out in (40 percent). The remainder will be an attendance test worth (50%). Attendance will be worth (10%).

4.3. Final assessment The student will take a test at the end of the respective semester, which will cover the whole subject. Failure to pass one of the partial assessments will lead to a final assessment. A mark of less than 8 in one of the assessment tests will lead to a final exam.

Teaching Staff