
Name: Ornithology
Code: BIO12367L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


This CU provides a global and coherent view on the biology and ecology of birds.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- Give a coherent perpective on the biology and ecology of birds;
- Give an integrated view on the role of evolution and biogeographic processes in determining the
biological diversity and composition of bird communities;
- Recognize the problem of conservation of birds in different contexts and geographical scales;
- Understand and be able to spread the important role that birds play in valuing biodiversity.
Generic skills:
- Knowledge of the most relevant features of the biology of wild birds;
- Fostering entrepreneurship by proposals for concrete solutions to issues related to the conservation of
Specific Skills:
- Interpretation and critical analysis of all the biological data related to records of species occurrence and
- Ease of integration and participation in projects monitoring land birds;
- Potential for the development of autonomous projects on inventory/monitoring of birds.


0. The value of birds.
1. Ancestral forms; the evolution of flight. Flightless forms.
2. Biogeographic issues. Historical and ecological biogeography. Perispecífic systematic (population
structure of species); cycles of expansion and shrinkage of glaciers (differentiation, speciation an d
extinction); history of avifaunas in the Mediterranean Region. Relations between the Palearctic and
Afrotropical avifaunas.
3. Physiology, ecology, behavior and adaptive strategies. Physiological aspects. Space use and intraspecific
relationships. Reproductive strategies. Breeding seasons. Clutch size and broods.
4. Migration. Migration and selection. Inducing stimuli. Navigation.
5 Populations, bird communities and conservation. Demography. Patterns of communities. Conservation of
endangered species. Bird census methods and monitoring programs.

Teaching Methods

Teaching and learning is based on theoretical (T), theoretical-practical (TP) classes, fieldwork, seminars and individual work done by students, supported by bibliography (available via Moodle).
The T classes are expository and supported by slideshows, audiovisual and multimedia. TP classes are complementary to the T component, they work in the classroom and in the field, and their contents are structured in two pedagogical units.
Field activities take place at Herdade da Mitra (UÉvora campus), an area that has a considerable diversity of wild birds.
In summary, the methodologies used in the teaching-learning process provide the acquisition of knowledge, the development of specific skills and soft skills such as know to communicate, develop team work, stimulate critical thinking and the ability to analyze situations.
Assessment: theoretical test: 70%; practical work: 30%