Sociology of Technique

Name: Sociology of Technique
Code: SOC12060M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Sociology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This UC should provide an in-depth analysis of the relationship between socially constructed reality and
specific elements of technology and technological innovation. A historical approach will evaluate the
relationship , between interaction human, social structure and technology. The main focus will be on
contemporary social reality and information technology based on emerging the restructuring of the nature of
interaction human. The goal basics of UC is to provide a comprehensive study of the development of
sociological theories on the development of society and change, with a focus on technology as a social
construct and not as an independent objective force. A goal additional is doing a survey of current information
and research on the specific impact of modern technology in contemporary society, in order to understand the
personal and social dimensions of structural and technological developments, including their implications for
social identity, communication, work, power, etc


1-Understanding the historical significance of technological innovation as a key element of change social;
2-the process of social construction of technology and the impact of reality socially structured on
technological innovation;
3-sociological theories that explain the relationship is complex and dialectic between society and technology;
4-contemporary trends in technological development, and evaluation of the relationship between modern
society and technology as the interdependence of different historical epochs;
5-analysis of the impact of modern digital communication on individual, social identity and group, assessing
the impact of changes related to interaction Human;
6-analysis of the impact of technological change in several important areas of social life: work, political
economy, social stratification, diversion, health.

Teaching Methods

Presentation and timing of learning tasks; generic content presentation and auxiliary teaching discipline; indepth
exposition of topics more problematic; debate and questions; monitoring the integration of materials
and preparation for evaluations.
This course is especially highlighted the research mode and autonomous discovery within a space of evolving
content and development, where the student can be constitutively a part of this discovery.
Verification of attendance; Continuous oral exposure assessment-30%; 2 evaluation Frequencies 3-60%; A
practical work – 10%.

Teaching Staff