Computers and Electronics in Precision Livestock Farming

Name: Computers and Electronics in Precision Livestock Farming
Code: ZOO13796M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Animal Science

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Holistic approach of concepts, principles and applications of Precision livestock production systems. Contents related to precision farming software and monitoring technologies, essential tools to improve the animal welfare, and social, economic and environmental sustainability of production systems

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To enable students to understand the precision livestock farming (PLF), in view of the management of
livestock production using the principles and technology of process engineering.


1. Equipment utilized in Precision Livestock Farming
1.1. Fundamentals of control and automation
1.2. Transponders and identification
2. Electronic Identification animal. Classical systems of animal identification.
3. Application of basic electronic equipment in the livestock Farming
3.1. Control of biological processes and key elements of Animal Science Precision;
3.2. Operation of automatic feeding systems;
3.3. Workability of the various innovations and technologies in dairy farms;
3.4. Workability of the various technologies and innovations that contribute to the accuracy of the handling of
3.5. Technological advances in equipment used in production and fodder conservation;
3.6. Technological advances in equipment used in distribution and application of by-products of livestock
4. Computer Technology in Agro-livestock management
5. Genetic-statistical packages
6. Traceability in Animal Production

Teaching Methods

Teaching methodology: Theoretical-practical classes with a strong participation of several teachers, specialists in specific areas, as well as the presence of experts from the business community at seminars, and the student participation in field trips and specific fieldwork.

Written test (two tests or an exam)
Practical work (TP), shared discussion on subjects taught in classes. Presentation and
interpretation of topics covered in or within the course.

Continuous assessment: 60% * [(1st frequency + 2nd frequency) / 2] + 20% TP1 + 20% TP2

Assessment by exam 60% * (exam) + 20% TP1 + 20% TP2