International Economic Relations

Name: International Economic Relations
Code: ECN13111L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Legal-Political Theory and International Relations

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


International Economic Relations are essential to understanding the interactions of economies in the global context. This is achieved by understanding the theoretical framework of the determinants of the flows of goods, services, capital and people and the interaction and influence of international.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- To develop knowledge of current trends, the international panorama of trade in goods, services and factors of production as well as the major issues that affect the relationships between the different nations in the global context;
- Promote understanding of the positioning of the main international economic organizations in defining rules and behavioral patterns among the different regional areas;
- Encourage understanding of the role of the process of economic integration in an international system dominated by the forces of globalization;
- Encourage the identification of the current map of the processes of economic integration and knowledge of its specifics.


1. Introduction
1.1. Object of study & Objectives of "IER"
1.2. IER in the context of the Global Economy
2. Current situation and recent developments in Ec. Relations
2.1. International trade in goods and services
2.2. International capital flows
2.3. International Migrations
3. Economic Relations and the major issues of today
3.1. Economic Development and Poverty
3.2. Growth and sustainability
3.3. Globalization and National Sovereignty
3.4. International Financial Crises
4. International Economic Organizations
4.1. WB
4.2. WTO
4.3. IMF
4.4. UN
4.5. OECD
5. International Economic Integration
5.1. Concepts of Economic Integration
5.2. General Benefits of Economic Integration
5.3. Forms and Stages of International Integration
5.4. Impacts of Trade Policy in International Relations
5.5. Econ. Integration in Developing Countries
6. The current map of Economic Integration
6.1. Latin America
6.2. North America
6.3. Asia - Pacific
6.4. Australia - New Zealand
6.5. Africa
6.6. Europe

Teaching Methods

Classes will have an expository component of the program and an applied component in which practical situations will be discussed with viewing and commenting on videos and other scientific documents. Students are required to regularly dedicate a few hours to studying the bibliography and carrying out their own research on the subjects that make up the syllabus of this curricular unit.


In accordance with the Academic Regulations of the University of Évora (RAUE), the assessment standards for this curricular unit are as follows:
i) Students may choose the Continuous Assessment regime or the Exam regime.
ii) The Continuous Assessment regime presupposes the completion of 3 tests, lasting 1.5 hours each, with equal weighting in the final grade. Final averages above 9.5, with at least 2 tests with a grade lower than 7.5, require an oral test.
iii) In the Exam regime, the final grade corresponds to the grade obtained in the normal exam or resit exam.

Teaching Staff