Social Tourism

Name: Social Tourism
Code: SOC13866L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Tourism

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


The curricular unit has as main objective to present and discuss the concept of Social Tourism, as well as to characterize and analyze the context of supply and demand for Social Tourism at regional, national and international level.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The curricular unit has as main objective to present and discuss the concept of Social Tourism, as well as to characterize and analyze the context of supply and demand for Social Tourism at regional, national and international level. At the end of the semester, it is intended that students have acquired the essential skills to work on the specificities of each of the target segments of this product, in an organizational context of increasing competitiveness, in the field of product planning and development according to the needs and expectations market trends and development trends.


I. Brief Notes on Tourism and Development
1. Tourism and Economic development
2. Tourism and Social development
2.1. Social Justice
2.2. Social Exclusion
3. Constraints to Tourism
4. Effects of Tourism
4.1. To Tourists
4.2. To Destinations

II. Social Tourism
1. Concept and evolution
2. Target population
- seniors
- families
- disabled
- children and young people
3. Programmes and organizations around the world
4. Challenges and management models

Teaching Methods

The course will be taught in form of theoretical/practical classes. The learning and teaching strategy is designed to provide students with an introductory critical understanding of the inter-relationships between social tourism and society.
The learning and teaching methods include:
• Lectures designed to provide a framework of knowledge
• Case study applications to promote critical thinking
The student can either opt for the frequency regimen or a final exam. frequency regimen: the evaluation will consist of one test (40%); elaboration, in group or individually, of practical works for the application o acquired knowledge and other elements of evaluation (attendance, participation, initiative, dedication carried out inpractical works ...) (60%). Final exam: written test (100%)

Teaching Staff