Planning Hotel Facilities

Name: Planning Hotel Facilities
Code: SOC13863L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Tourism

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial



Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

It is intended that the student at the end of the unit has obtained the following learning objectives:
- To assess the role of the hotels and resorts in the tourist production system
- Recognize the process of planning and development hotels.
- Understand the organizational structure of departments in major hotels.
- Identify procedures for planning and management of hotel operations.


1. Background to the process of developing a Hotel company
1.1 The management and ownership in the hotel industry
1.2 The importance of environmental management policies in hotels and resorts
2. Tourism Accommodation Facilities: Structure and Organization of services
2.1 Organizational structure, organizational structure, departmentalization
2.2 Functional areas and the role of Managers. Professional jobs and their functions
2.3 Typical structure of the hotels and resorts in Portugal
3. Planning and management of the department of Lodging
4. Planning and management of the Department of Events and Food & Beverage
4.1 Organization of the department of F & B
4.2 Planning F&B operations
4.3 Control methods in F&B

Teaching Methods

The subjects will be boarded in the theoretician-practical lessons, not only using an expositive method, but also fomenting the dialogue and the debate to deepen the knowledge of the different contents.
In this way it is prepared by the student's practical exercises providing an adequate comprehension of several contents. The students will be stimulated to identify complementary sources of information indicated for each subject, not only appealing to the traditional instruments of research, but also to those available on the world web wide.
Assessment methods: 1 individual written test (60%) and practical working papers or inspection reports (40%).

Teaching Staff