Advanced Subjects in Biochemistry

Name: Advanced Subjects in Biochemistry
Code: QUI09316D
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Biochemistry

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The objectives of this course are focused to the development of competencies, skills and research methods promoted for obtaining the degree of doctor, particularly the development of the ability to: i) a systematic understanding within the Biochemistry field and / or its applications, ii) conceive, design, adapt and perform a relevant investigation in compliance with the requirements imposed by the standards of academic quality and integrity; iii) critically analyse, evaluate and summarise new and complex ideas.


The students are obliged to attend and participate in a minimum of Seminars / Conferences / Congresses about topics in the area of specialization of Biochemistry, organized by the Programme Commission, by the Departments of the School of Sciences and Technology or the Research Centres or Institutes of the University of Évora supporting the PhD programme in Biochemistry or by others, under approval by the Programme Commission.

Teaching Methods

The teaching methodology in this course is essentially based on an autonomous learning process, in which each student are expected to attend presentations, theoretical and / or practical, looking to autonomously recognize and understand the applications of the topics presented.
In this context the students should independently search for and analyse the suitable bibliography and / or request clarification of key issues of the subject addressed.

Each student must submit a certificate of their participation in the event and a report he/she prepared on the scientific content of the presentation.
The evaluation of this course will be based on the collection of the written reports, at the end of the semester, and will be expressed by Approved or Failed.